Mango Health Benefits – Along with the taste, mango is very useful and beneficial for our health. In this article, we are going to give information about the Health Benefits of Mango and its medicinal properties, and the benefits of different parts of the mango tree. Along with this, information about the methods of using mango (Uses of Mango) to heal different diseases, is given in this article.
Information About Mango in English
Mango is eaten in both raw and cooked form. Both its forms are full of medicinal properties. Each part of its peel, kernels, and anus has its own special importance. Mango is the biggest boon of nature and it is also a very popular fruit.
Mango is a very popular fruit. It has its own special place among fruits all over the world. India is home to the king of fruits, the Mango. The history of mango is very old. In Indian literature, the description of mango is given, which shows that mango has been available in India since the Vedic period. More than 60% of the mango production in the world is produced in India.
Common names of Mango in other languages
It is known as Aamra in Sanskrit, Aam in Hindi, Amba in Marathi, Carrie in Gujarati, Aam in Bangla, Pavidi in Telugu, Maang in Tamil, Mangaya, Mabu in Malayalam, Mavin Phal in Kannada, Mabu, Amba in Persian, Ambaj and in English. Says mango. It is called Mangifera indica in Latin.
Properties of Mango | Medicinal properties of Mango
The properties of Mango vary slightly according to the stage:-
- Ripe mango is nutritious, aliphatic, potent, heavy, carminative, soothing, heart-friendly, color-enhancing, cool, does not increase bile, contains astringent juice, and increases gastritis, phlegm, and semen.
- Raw mango is astringent, sour, taste factor, bile factor, and dry causing blood disorders.
- The ripe mango on the tree is heavy, carcinogenic, sweet, acidic, and has a bile factor.
- Mango cooked artificially is tasty, strong, a semen enhancer, cold, digestive, sedative, and a destroyer of Vata-pitta.
Taseer of Mango
Mango is a fruit with a hot effect on the body i.e. Taseer of Mango is hot and if you consume mango in excess then it can increase the heat in your body and boils, red rashes, etc. To avoid this, consume mango in balanced quantity only.
Mango Tree Information
The mango tree is also considered a tree of Ayurvedic medicines. Mango leaves, the bark of the tree, its flowers, mango fruit, the root of the mango tree, bud, kernel of mango fruit, and mango gum are all used as medicines. The biggest boon of nature is this very popular fruit and its tree.
Mango Flowers
Mango flowers planted in the mango tree are cool, tasty, receptive, airtight, diarrheas, phlegm, bile, gonorrhea, and blood dosha.
Mango Kernels
The astringency of mango kernels is sweet, slightly sour, and vomiting, pain reliever, and pacifying heartburn.
The oil found in the pulp of its kernels is edible and is especially useful for heart and blood pressure patients.
Mango Tree Bark
The bark of the mango tree is light, dry, containing astringent juice, bitter in poison, and cold. It is anti-bleeding, and constriction, and useful in vomiting, diarrhea, and piles.
Mango Leaves
The tender leaves of mango are stimulating and quench phlegm, and pitta.
Also Read: Mango Leaves Benefits and side effects
Nutritious Elements of Mango | Nutritional Value of Mango
The ripe fruit of mango contains moisture 81.0%, protein 0.6 percent, fat 0.4 percent, mineral matter 0.1 percent, fiber 0.7 percent, carbohydrate 16.9%, energy 74 percent, calcium 14 percent, phosphorus 16 percent, and iron 1.3 percent. Apart from this, Vitamin ‘A’, Vitamin ‘B’, Vitamin ‘C’, and Vitamin ‘D’ are also found in sufficient quantity in it. Citric acid and gallic acid are also found in small amounts in it. Apart from these, sodium, potassium, copper, sulfur, magnesium, and chlorine is also found.
Protein 5%, fat 6 to 7%, fiber 1 to 2%, ash 2 to 3%, and tannin 0.19-0.44 percent are present in the pulp of mango kernels.
Naturally ripened mangoes are richer in properties than artificially ripened mangoes with spices. Soaking mango in water for 1-2 hours prior to consumption can aid in digestion and prevent any potential digestion issues.
Benefits of Eating Mango
Mangoes help prevent cancer
The antioxidants and anticancer properties found in abundance in mango are helpful in preventing the growth of cancer cells and other tumor cells in our bodies. It proves to be very helpful in protecting against various types of cancer occurring in the body such as breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, etc.
Benefits of Mango for Eyes
You must be aware that the lack of vitamin ‘A’ directly affects our eyesight. Mango is a rich source of vitamin A, which helps prevent its deficiency and is beneficial for maintaining eye health. Consuming mango regularly in balanced quantity improves eyesight.
Mango relief from heatstroke
The hot wind that blows in the summer, i.e. heat, often makes people sick by taking it in their grip. Due to this, there is a lack of water in the body. In such a situation, the use of raw mango and its anus can be very beneficial for you. It not only fulfills the lack of water in the body but also helps in eliminating the effects of heat by transporting essential elements like potassium to the body.
Eating Mangoes helpful in maintaining proper digestion
Mango is not only rich in fiber but also has laxative properties. In such a situation, its consumption not only clears the stomach but also helps in getting rid of digestive problems. Its consumption helps in relieving problems like constipation and stomach ulcers.
Mango increases Immunity Power
Mango is rich in Vitamin C which helps in boosting immunity of the body. Along with removing the problem of vitamin C allergies, it is also helpful in fighting infection.
Benefits of mango for cholesterol
Apart from vitamin ‘C’ and fiber in mango, there are other elements that are helpful in increasing the level of good cholesterol by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in our body. By consuming it, the balance of cholesterol in the body remains correct, due to which the problems caused by cholesterol remain away from the body.
Benefits of eating mango for the heart
Heart healthy, you healthy. To keep the heart healthy, people should take special care of their food and drink. The best way is to include seasonal fruits in your diet. In the summer mangoes, such nutrients are found in abundance which is beneficial for your heart health. Therefore, you must include mango in your diet in summer.
Benefits of mango helpful in increasing sex ability
Vitamin E and beta-carotene are found in mango and this helps in increasing sex ability. Along with this, it is also considered to be a virility-enhancing fruit. Drinking mango juice mixed with milk increases male power.
Benefits of mango for diabetes
Diabetes is a bundle of diseases. It brings with it many other diseases. To cure diabetes, mango juice mixed with Jamun juice can be prepared and consumed. Apart from this, the consumption of mango leaves can also help in the treatment of diabetes, the method of which is given further in this article, but before using them, you must consult your doctor.
Benefits of mango for weight loss
Fiber is found in abundance in mango and weight loss can be very beneficial by consuming dietary fiber, so if you are worried about coming weight and want to reduce it, then consume mango in the summer season. It can be a very profitable deal for you.
Uses and Benefits of Mango
Mangoes are potent semen enhancers. Eating mango increases flesh increases blood volume and removes fatigue from the body. Eye patients are benefited from consuming mango. The use of mango thickens semen and removes impotence, lethargy, premature ejaculation, and sleep disorders.
The use of mango in various diseases is as follows:-
Use of Mango in facial Diseases
Facial Glow
- Grind the kernels of Mango and Jamun and apply them on the face. Then wash off with water. Within a few days, the blackened color becomes clear due to sunburn.
- Mixing 300 grams of mango pulp with curd, adding sugar and ice, making lassi, and drinking it daily improves complexion and opens the appetite.
Use of Mango in stomach disease Uses and Benefits of Mango
Benefits of Mango in Air-Related Disease
Taking eight to 10 spoons of sweet mango juice, and two spoons of honey mixed together is beneficial for air diseases.
Bloody Diarrhea
Taking half spoon juice of mango tree bark mixed with 125 grams of goat’s milk provides relief.
Benefits of Mango kernels in dysentery
Taking the powder of mango kernels mixed with the juice of bael and ginger juice is beneficial.
Dissolve 25 grams of roasted mango kernels in a little lemon juice, mix 3 grams of black salt, and 10 grams of carom seeds, and grind them. Taking 2 grams with hot water after meals in the morning and evening is beneficial in blood leucorrhoea, congestive heart failure, and diarrhea.
Benefits of Mango Kernels in stomach Worms
Stomach worms are removed by eating mango kernels by grinding them.
- Grind the inner bark of mango, filter it, and drink it with water and sugar, it ends diarrhea.
- Taking two to three spoons of lukewarm juice of raw mango and Jamun leaves provides relief from diarrhea.
- Grinding the kernels of mango kernels in water and applying it to the navel stops diarrhea.
Benefits of mango in increasing digestion power
Digestive power increases by consuming 50 grams of mango juice mixed with 2 grams of dry ginger.
Mixing 25 grams of Mango peel in 200 grams of curd, adding camphor and salt to it, and giving it to the patient is beneficial.
Benefits of mango in constipation
- Constipation is cured by eating green mango chutney, mint, cumin, salt, and black pepper.
- Constipation is cured by eating roasted mango kernel, mixed with salt.
Mixing the anus of ripe mango in cold milk and taking it for 20 to 25 days cures this disease.
Benefits of mango kernels in stomach ache
Roasting mango kernels on fire, adding salt, and eating it is beneficial.
Bloody Dysentery
Grinding the peel of mango (dry or green) and taking it mixed with honey is beneficial.
Use of Mango in Skin Disease | Uses and Benefits of Mango
Applying after grinding amchur and rock salt is beneficial.
Use of mango in ear and nose diseases
Benefits of mango leaves in Earache
Warming the juice of fresh green leaves of mango and putting it in the ear is beneficial.
Also Read: Mango Leaves Tea Benefits and Side Effects
Benefits of mango kernels in hemorrhage
- Dripping the juice of mango kernels in the nose stops bleeding.
- Grinding the mango bore finely, and sniffing it gives quick benefits.
Use of mango in gynecology | Uses, and Benefits of Mango
Dry the mango bore in the shade and grind it. Mixing Desi Khand in it and taking 7 grams with milk or water in the morning and evening is beneficial.
Benefits of mango kernels in menstrual irregularities
Eating mango kernels after roasting them in hot ash ends menstrual irregularities.
Use of mango in other diseases
Benefits of mango leaves in burning with fire
If any part of the body gets burnt, then mixing the ash of mango leaves in ghee or water, and applying it to that place is beneficial.
Tuberculosis Disease
Taking one cup of mango juice with 50 grams of honey in the morning and evening provides great relief for tuberculosis.
Roasting ripe mangoes, cooling them, and sucking them cures cough.
Burning in Extremities
Rubbing the bore of mango ends a burning sensation in the hands and feet.
Weakness of the Brain
Mix 100 grams of mango juice, 1 teaspoon of ginger juice, and 25 grams of milk and sugar, and take it daily to cure mental weakness, dark eyes, and chronic headaches.
Blood Disorder
Taking two hundred grams of ripe mango juice, 125 grams of cow’s milk, 10 grams of ghee, ginger juice, and desi sugar together in the morning and evening for two months ends the problem of blood.
Benefits of mango leaves in stone
Dry the mango leaves in the shade and grind them. Take half a teaspoon with warm water thrice a day for a few days, it will be beneficial for stones.
Mixing 50 grams of ground mango peel and 10 to 20 grams of lime water and taking it for a few days in the morning and evening stops burning and pus along with urine.
Benefits of mango leaves in egg growth
Grind 20 grams of mango leaves, and 10 grams of rock salt and apply it after heating it a bit, it is beneficial.
- Mixing honey in mango juice and using it daily in the morning for 15 to 20 days ends the complaint.
- Taking juice of ripe mangoes, mixed with sugar, water, and milk in the evening for 2 to 3 months increases male power.
Benefits of powdered mango kernels for asthma
- Use 5 grams powder of mango kernels with water in the morning.
- Licking the powder of mango kernels mixed with honey is beneficial.
Mango root peel for urinary tract obstruction
- After boiling the peel of mango root and rosewood leaves in 1 cup of water, after cooling, mix sugar candy and drink it, and urine starts coming freely.
- Applying the powder of mango kernels on the penis and pelvis is beneficial.
Taking an equal quantity of mango and mint leaves, making a decoction, and drinking it with honey stops vomiting.
Benefits of getting raw mango in Heatstroke
By making a pan of raw mango and drinking it, after roasting raw mango in a fire, taking out the pulp, and adding water, ice, or sugar to it, the heat does not hurt.
- Rubbing mango peel cures pimples.
- Applying amchur paste or applying raw mango chutney also cures Biwai.
Benefits of raw mango juice in piles
- Drinking raw mango juice daily is beneficial.
- Grinding mango leaves, mixing sugar, dissolving it in water, and drinking it cures piles in a month.
Benefits of Aamras in heart disease
Mixing half a teaspoon of ginger juice in Aamras and drinking it is beneficial for heart disease.
Benefits of mango juice in the Spleen
Swelling of the spleen is cured by mixing 100 grams of juice of ripe mango with 15 grams of honey and taking it for 3 weeks.
Mango Leaves in Diabetes
- If diabetes is in the initial condition, then drink the juice of soft mango leaves or make a decoction of mango leaves in the morning, the disease will not progress further and will not take a serious form.
- Drying mango leaves and making powder of them, taking it twice a day with water is definitely beneficial.
- Taking 3 grams of powder of mango kernels with water three to four times reduces the amount of sugar in the urine and quenches the thirst of the diabetic patient.
- Mixing an equal quantity of mango and Jamun juice, and drinking it for a short time is beneficial for diabetes.
Benefits of Mango kernels in spider venom
- Dried mangoes rubbed in water and applied, the poison becomes ineffective.
- Grinding mango kernels in water and applying it pacifies the poison of the thorns of poisonous insects.
Benefits of mango leaves for sore throat
Burning mango leaves and drinking its smoke ends sore throat.
Disadvantages of eating mango | Side Effects of Eating Mango
Eat mangoes, but with a little care, by eating more, you may have to face the disadvantages mentioned next.
- Eating too much mango can cause diarrhea.
- Overeating can also cause stomach pain.
- Eating mangoes in excess can cause you to gain weight.
- The taste of mango is hot. Eating too much can lead to boils.
- Diabetic patients should consume mango very carefully. The sweetness present in it can increase your sugar very fast.
Also Read: Mango Side Effects
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This article explains detailed information about the Mango Health Benefits, Information About Mango, Mango in English, Taseer of Mango, Nutritional Value of Mango, Benefits of Eating Mango, Uses and Benefits of Mango, Disadvantages of eating mango, Side Effects of Eating Mango, etc. We hope you’ll find everything you needed to know.